Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Going down in Flames

I just realized that I started this blog almost 11 months ago.  The intent was to read all the books in my house in 52 weeks.  With only 4 more weeks to go, I am pretty sure that the initial goal is going down in flames-LOL!!! 

So, in the spirit of setting new goals, I am renewing my commitment to getting these books read!  I may cheat and do several of the children's book in rapid succession in order to feel like I am making progress, but progress is progress, so I guess it's not technically cheating. 

Wish me luck with my renewed goal. . .and be prepared to do lots of reading as I post my small successes.


  1. My only question is: Are you enjoying the journey? For me, reading is all about enjoyment (as you will see from my less-than-enthusiastic comments about some books). I have just read a couple of delightful books and begun a few new series that I have enjoyed as well. I used to read to "get through" something but I have learned to stop torturing myself. If I don't like it, I put it down. By the way, I would recommend "Sotah" and "Major Pettigrew's Last Stand" if you're looking for something uplifting and interesting.

  2. I am not enjoying the journey right now. As obsessive-compulsive as I am about checking things off of lists, I just dread reading time now-a-days. I feel like I should be able to enjoy my hobbies when I get time to do them inbetween working 2 jobs, but I hate to give up. I will need to roll this concept around in my noggin' for a while before deciding to change tactics with this goal. There should be joy, not dread, in reading books!! Thanks for the reminder-LOL!!!
