Monday, April 18, 2011

The Wedding

I finished this book last weekend.  This is the same author who wrote the Notebook. I really loved the Notebook movie, but never read the book.  I think if I had read the Notebook, I would not have seen the movie because I did  not like his style of writing.  Maybe I am just not romantic enough to read an entire book about a man whining about what a jerk he has been for the last 30 years and who is trying to make it up to his wife in one weekend. 


  1. You have such a way with words;) This one probably won't go on my list...thanks for the heads up! I am working on Little Women right now but keep falling asleep every time I pick it up! What does that mean? Haha!

  2. Ba ha ha ha! What a great synopsis! I've never brought myself to reading one because I'm not sure I would make it through that much cheese. Now I know...
