Monday, July 25, 2011

5000 Year Leap

Wow, it has really been a long time since I have posted.  It is not that I have been reading my guts out, it is that I have been way too busy to indulge my habit.  I did finish the 5,000 Year Leap a few weeks ago, and was amazed at the information that it contained about the founding fathers, writers of the consitution and how our government is supposed to operate. 

Once again, our founding fathers are probably rolling over in their graves at the monstrosity we now call the Federal government.  I'm not sure that the US government today is much different than King George in the 1700s.

Let me say this, if our government was run as it was intended by the founding fathers, we would be the most prosperous, creative, educated, free and happy people on the planet.  Sadly, we are now the highest taxed, lowest scoring, laziest and fatest people on the planet.  Hopefully, we can "trim the fat" so to speak and reduce the size and scope of what government does!!!!!  It was not meant to take care of us from cradle to grave.  But, unfortunately, we have turned our country into a socialist democracy instead of the republic that it was meant to be.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to know why the founders committed treason by signing the Declaration of Independence.  It is inspiring to see how a new nation was formed by men who were willing to pledge their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.  Where is our honor?????

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