Wednesday, December 12, 2012

From Egypt to NY to Moscow to Berlin

I have been doing a lot of traveling in my reading lately.  Here is a rundown of where I have been, let the travelog commence!!

My adventure began in the Joliet Public Library and soon found me traveling to Egpyt with this fantastic espionage thriller.  I picked it up in lieu of another book that I wanted by the same author, but I was not disppointed.  The lost, famed Library of Alexandria is brought to life in this book.  It also throws in some Middle East conflicts, government cover-ups, leaks and assissinations.  Berry has some great facts to support his story, although it is fiction, it is interesting to know that there are some facts spun into this tale.  Some clever writing that will keep you on the edge of your seat.  I loved it!!!

Next our journey takes us to New York in a light-hearted book about an adopted girl who sets out to find her birth parents.  She finds that she can finally explain things about herself that were a mystery to her for many years.  I have read many of Emily Griffin's books, and they are always a fun, quick read.

From NY our next stop is Moscow (basically all over Russia and the US-ha, ha).  This is a great read for anyone who is curious about the murder of the entire Romanov family who ruled as Russia's last Tsar in the early 1900s.  There are historical facts in this book, which is part of the reason I love it, showing that it is technically possible for an heir of Nicholas II to still be in existence since two bodies were missing from the mass grave dug to dump the bodies of the royal family after the horrific firing squad killed them.  Wonderful book by Berry, again!!  I think I may become a fan of his.

Finally we land in  Hitler's Berlin.  I have always been fascinated with WWII.  I don't know why, it just seems surreal to me that one man can wreak that much havoc and bring the whole world in on the deal.  This is a non-fiction book (I know, stepping out of my normal realm).  The story follows Ambassador Dodd and his family through their experiences in pre-WWII Berlin when Hitler was just showing his true colors. 

Next up we have some Rick Riordan books to read. . .

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Lifelong Obsession!!!

Okay,  I know it has been FOREVER since I posted to this blog.  Chalk it up to working full time for the last year.  This minor blip on the radar has not derailed my reading, just my blogging.  Since I was working so much, I did not have the mental energy to devote to finding new books to read.  So, I went back to the old standbys.  Here is what I have read in my long absence from blogging about my pathetic addiction to ink printed on paper in the shape of letters. . .

Harry Potter (probably about the 10th time I have read this series)
The Hunger Games (time #3)
Twilight (time #?-I know I'm a little embarrased too)
The Kingdom and the Crown (too many times to count)
The Fire of the Covenant (see comment above)
The Lord of the Rings (about 4 times with this latest go-round)
Inheritance Series (still irritated he wrote 4 books when he was supposed to write 3)
The Host (at least a couple of times)
. . .more, I am sure, but can't remember. . .

SO. . .with my new found extra time on my hands (ha ha) I am looking for suggestions for new books.  Don't even mention 50 Shades of Grey, it sounds absolutely trashy from what I have heard.  Here is a short list of things that look interesting to me, let me know if you have any suggestions of anything else that would tickle my grey matter.

The Romanov Prophecy
The Return
Russian Winter
In the Garden of Beasts
Dixieland Sushi
The Devil in the Junior League

Happy reading everyone.  BTW, I am no longer going to torture myself with books I "should" read from the classics.  I may start that again, but if it takes more than 5 chapters for me to get into the book, I will give it up as a bad job.  Catch you on the back jacket flap!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Lemony Snicket Marathon

I have finished book 9 and book 10 in the Series of Unfortunate Events about the Baudelaire orphans.  Currently book 11 is on the night stand and the M&M package bookmark is stuck into pages that are approximately 1/3 of the way through book.  These kids find themselves in the most curious circumstances and escape by the strangest methods I have ever heard of. . .

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Victory!!!  I have finally finished this series.  I would not recommend this series to children (which is the targeted audience).  This final book has some disturbing images painted for the mind's eye to view, such as the evil king soaking in a bathtub full of fairy blood to relieve his cursed body.  I enjoyed the first book, but the second and third seemed to drag on and get quite predictable.  But, another book down, so I can smell victory. . .on to the next!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Going down in Flames

I just realized that I started this blog almost 11 months ago.  The intent was to read all the books in my house in 52 weeks.  With only 4 more weeks to go, I am pretty sure that the initial goal is going down in flames-LOL!!! 

So, in the spirit of setting new goals, I am renewing my commitment to getting these books read!  I may cheat and do several of the children's book in rapid succession in order to feel like I am making progress, but progress is progress, so I guess it's not technically cheating. 

Wish me luck with my renewed goal. . .and be prepared to do lots of reading as I post my small successes.


It took me a long time to get through this book.  It wasn't an unpleasant read, but with working more these days, I just don't have the time to read.  This book is almost a carbon copy of Inkheart, just the location changes.  I am starting on Inkdeath which is the last in the trilogy of this series. 

This book brings many things to mind, most prevalent is the fact that we are in charge of our own destiny and that our decisions put us on paths that may take us to unexpected places.  I hope that my decisions put me on paths that lead to hapiness and not destruction. 

With my husband's company being sold last week, we are definitely on a new path.  Hopefully, that path will lead us on to new experiences, a new career and new opportunities ('tis the season to be optimistic!!!).