Thursday, March 31, 2011

The last of the contraband

I have finished the last book of contraband that I got at the library.  This was an interesting look at a woman who runs into an old boyfriend and reignites a friendship with him all the while trying to decide if she is really happy with her marriage. 

Maybe its just me, but why in the world would you even bring that trouble into your life.  In my mind, if you are married, your choice has been made.  Toying with an old romance whether mentally, emotionally or even physically is never a good idea. 

The character did not technically "cheat" on her husband. But in my mind, the emotional energy she invested in this other man is way worse than any physical manifestation.  It was okay, not great. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely! The Actor and the Housewife by Shannon Hale was kind of the same way in that the main character spent most of the book trying to decide how she felt about a man who was her friend. I just didn't get it. Love the new blog and am getting great ideas of books to read!
